After preparing blog posts for a long time, I’ve finally gotten pulled myself to learn a little about WordPress, so I could get the posts online. Therefore, I now welcome to my first blog ever. A blog that deals with the events in one of my most important decisions ever: Getting a Cochlear Implant surgery – in […]
The third feasibility study in Odense
This time I was in a conversation with another doctor than the last, about the CI, the surgery itself and the expectation vote. Another important point referred to the election of the CI-equipment I’ll be using in the future. Of the 3 different brands that were in play here, I ended up choosing Cochlear’s Nucleus […]
The second feasibility study in Odense
This day was mainly a longer conversation with a nurse on the progress of hospitalization and surgery. In addition, a short talk with the anesthetist. But I now have surgery date! CI-day will be October 6, 2016, so now I have a date one look forward to. The operation itself is what it is, but […]
The first feasibility study in Odense
This study reminded a lot about what I was through in Audiology Department at Køge Hospital. I started with a standard hearing test, which was slightly more thoroughly. Next, the same test as in Køge, where I just had to lie still on a couch with sensors mounted on the head. Eventually made a balance test, […]
The broadcasts “Ud af stilheden” (Out of the silence) on Danish Channel 5 – Spring 2016
The Danish Channel 5 has made a broadcast series of programs about getting hearing back with a CI. Especially the first broadcast of the series with Jesper is a situation similar to mine, before his CI surgery. It is certainly worth a look if you have not already seen the broadcasts as they were shown in TV. The […]
CT and MRI at Næstved hospital
Scanning of the head, so the doctors can see if there are abnormalities in there that will make it impossible to gain from a CI surgery. This I find particularly interesting with the right ear since I do not know about if deafness is due to another defect than the lack of “cilia” to hear auger, which […]
Audiology Department at Køge Hospital
The purpose of this study was to my “home hospital” could ascertain whether I am a candidate for CI. This would formally refer me to the actual CI program. Study consisted of a standard hearing test, and an extended test where I just had to lie still on a couch with sensors mounted on the […]
Feature on Danish TV2 about CI
This evening there was a feature of the Danish TV2 program “Holder Denmark i live” (Keeps Denmark alive), which referred to an elderly lady who had been given a CI surgery. A nice spot that told you can get some hearing back with CI. But there was something I could not get to vote; In the spot you got the […]
First preliminary meeting on CI
Today I was the first inaugural meeting of CI with Mathilde from the Special Center Roskilde (SCR Communications) in Roskilde. SCR Communication is a place that is organizing contact between hearing aid users and the local audiology department, and so on. They also organizes various courses for both hearing impaired and relatives. But the most […]
My hearing and a little about what hearing loss is
Not two hearing impairments are exactly alike, and cannot be compared only by looking at hearing curves. Therefore I will try to explain how good or bad my hearing is experienced. I am completely deaf in the right ear and has a very large hearing loss in the left ear. Generally, this means that I am almost […]