This evening there was a feature of the Danish TV2 program “Holder Denmark i live” (Keeps Denmark alive), which referred to an elderly lady who had been given a CI surgery. A nice spot that told you can get some hearing back with CI. But there was something I could not get to vote; In the spot you got the impression that we watched the first connection of the sound processor. But you see an audiologist to test the lady’s ability to understand words like Sunday, Wednesday, Monday, and so on. While they were saying it behind her back, and thus without lip reading. She did it largely without problems! But it is certainly not the impression I got from a normal initial connection. What I have seen and read about the first connection is that people maximum can hear some strange noises and that the individual can understand a bit of a sentence when simultaneously mouth reading. Then it suited better that the elderly lady later in the feature recounted that she heard Donald Duck voices and beeps. I think what they showed on TV was from a much later re-adjusting of her CI, or was a test made with CI and hearing aid in the other ear.
But as regular public education, it certainly was an excellent speech. Fun to watch now that I’ve gotten CI thoughts closely into the life after yesterday’s inaugural meeting.
But, as also mentioned in my first post, I’ve still hard with the thought of the great magnet thing on the back of the head. In addition to the look I’m thinking of what it would feel like to have the sitting, will it be in the way, and it will fall off at certain movements?