My rehabilitation now have come so far that during this half-year period I have not experienced such rapid advances as in the beginning. Therefore, in this post, I will gather my experiences from the 6 months that have passed since the last post. The whole period, and actually also a little before, I have […]
Second re-adjustment at Odense University Hospital
Wednesday, February 8th, 2017 it was time to get my CI’s re-adjusted again. I therefore drove to the hearing clinic at Odense University Hospital in Odense. This day there were only re-adjustment programmed, but also I had a practical question and would like to talk to a doctor. More on that further down. After a […]
Third month with CI-sound
Third month (January 2017) Telephone calls are the big news this month when I talked on the phone for the first time in years. My mother sent a text message to me on January 12th. Because by this time I sat with the audio cable installed in the CIs and listened to an audio book […]
Second month with CI sound
Second month – December As in the blog post about the first month, I use the auditory training I regularly go to at this time, as a starting point. Fifth week 9th auditory training: The day after re-adjustment in Odense, I was to the auditory training again. This time we also had the company of […]
First re-adjustment at Odense University Hospital
Wednesday, December 7th, 2016 was the time to get my CI’s re-adjusted. You continuously re-adjust the CI processors in order to adapt them as I get used to the sound. Again I went there with my parents, but this time they mostly followed because of the trip itself. We came into the hearing clinic at […]
The first month of CI sound
The first month has passed since I got sound with my two Cochlear Implant (CI) processors. And besides, they look like this when they sit on my head: It has been an exciting time with a lot of improvement, which I will describe. It has been great that I am almost able to hear the […]
First day with new CI sound
Thursday, November 3rd, 2016 it was finally my turn to receive my two Cochlear Implant (CI) processors and thus get sound. In this post I will talk about my experiences with the connection and adjustment of CI processors and the first sound experiences of the day. Prior to that, a month has gone since the […]
Changes to the Blog
I have made some changes to the blog: New layout, by switching to the theme of “Amadeus.” Simpler but more readable layout. Language selection can now always be found at the bottom of the page, instead of only being stored on a subpage. WordPress’ built-in comment function has now been removed due to a lot of […]
While I wait for the sound
With only a day for the audio connection, I wait obviously excited to get the sound on the new CI’s on Thursday, November 3rd. It will be interesting – not least to get hearing to my hitherto deaf right ear. It will probably be a very special experience! But otherwise the most exciting about the […]
The surgery successfully completed, and home again
By late afternoon, the day before the surgery, my parents and I drove against Odense with the hospital as a target. My parents followed as caregivers and to drive me home after the surgery, when I would not be able to do that myself. We started driving to the hotel my parents had to stay on through the 2 […]